NHS Fife




                                                                                                          Welcome to NHS Fife Pharmacy and Medicines Service


Service information for tourists and visitors 

Open this link for a document that reminds community pharmacy teams of the differences between some of the main pharmacy services we offer and who is eligible. This can be a handy aide memoire for staff during periods of high tourism. 



NEW! Pharmacy News - Winter Edition now available

See below for the latest edition of Pharmacy News! 

 Winter Newsletter 2023

Winter Newsletter Front Page.jpg



 Supporting People With Psychological Trauma

Drug related deaths and harms are at record levels in Scotland and in NHS Fife we acknowledge that a coordinated response across services, professions and organisations is required to tackle this public health emergency. The Scottish Government have published a set of guidelines called the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards which describe what is needed to deliver safe and effective treatment for people who use drugs in Scotland. Check out the video above where Vikki introduces these standards and some other useful learning resources.

Community Pharmacy Teams are ideally placed to support people with their treatment and play a crucial role in the frontline delivery of substance use services. This is why it’s important that you have an awareness of the MAT standards, as they provide guidance on how all services can provide high quality, evidence-based, person-centred care.

Sadly, a history of complex trauma including adverse childhood experiences is strongly associated with problem drug use. This can have a significant and prolonged impact on an individual’s future so one of the ways pharmacy teams can best support people who use drugs (and other patients/people) is to adopt a ‘trauma-informed’ approach (MAT Standard 10: Trauma Informed Care). Improving your understanding of trauma can help you offer the kind of relationship that promotes recovery and builds resilience. NES have produced a set of resources called the National Trauma Training Programme to help achieve the government’s vision of a “trauma-informed and responsive nation and workforce” which you can access here:

National trauma training programme | Turas | Learn (nhs.scot) 

and you can find out a bit more about psychological trauma, drug related deaths and the MAT standards in this short video:

The National Trauma Training Programme - YouTube 

link to the MAT standards: 

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) standards: access, choice, support - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

High Risk Pain Medicines (HRPM) Patient Safety Programme

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HRPM is a priority within NHS Fife.  As a result a series of webinars have been planned with pharmacy team members from all sectors invited. If you are interested in attending or would like more details, please e-mail fife.painpharmacy@nhs.scot. The webinars will take place during normal office hours, so we plan to share the recordings to allow you to watch when it suits you best. Keep an eye on the front page of the Fife SHOW website and look out the the HRPM tab where we’ll keep you up to date. Details on forthcoming sessions are here.


Community Pharmacy Waste Update 

New guidance on community pharmacy waste medicines and sharps waste is now available - see the new section on this website. (click here)


Locum Information

Are you a locum working for NHS Fife and want to keep up to date with all the latest news?  Email - fife.gmsfacilitators@nhs.scot to be added to the locum email distribution list.

Quick Help

Do you need help with NHS mail /Office 365? or have you locked yourself out of your account? Email - fife.gmsfacilitators@nhs.scot


Quick Links

NEO 360 Login Screen

COVID primary care guidance

Prescription Tracker



Drug Alerts

Pharmacy First NSS website - Approved List

Pharmacy First East Region


Interpretation Services - Language Line