• Medicines Shortage Communication from NHS Fife Director of Pharmacy- Please see below a communication from Scott Garden regarding NHS Fife policy on Medicines Shortages:

 Dear Colleagues

Medicine shortages are unfortunately a frequent occurrence and have been for many years.  Resolving these issues to ensure patients get the medicines they require takes considerable time for all of us.  There are a variety of actions being taken both at a UK and Scottish level to reduce the frequency and impact of medicine shortages.  The Chief Medical and Pharmaceutical Officers for Scotland recently wrote to colleagues outlining some of the actions being taken.  https://www.sehd.scot.nhs.uk/publications/DC20191016Brexit.pdf

Best practice standard for managing medicine shortages in primary and secondary care have been produced by the Scottish Government.  NHS Fife will follow these standards and these been incorporated into a local policy which also outline roles and responsibility of staff.  I would be grateful if you would read and follow the NHS Fife policy which can be found here