With effect from 1st April 2024, Pharmacists have no need to submit their various signed PGDs to the CPDT.

Instead, each Pharmacist should complete the new electronic form indicating which PGDs they have signed.  If an email address is provided, an automated message will be generated, providing the same acknowledgement of signing.

We understand that this change is a significant departure from a long established process and may take some time for the Community Pharmacy network to become used to.  Please note however that this change in process will not affect payment for any services provided as part of the various PGDs.

For further information, please see our Patient Group Directions page.


Further to discussions with Community Pharmacy GG&C, the Board has been successful in negotiating an uplift of 5% in fees associated with the following service provisions within NHS GG&C:

  • Advice to Care Homes
  • Hep C
  • HIV
  • Palliative Care
  • Rota Services (including Christmas and New Year provision)

This increase will be applied to services delivered from April 2023.  The list provides details for fees relating to all local community pharmacy services currently operating in NHSGGC (with the exception of those relating to pilot schemes).

In May 2024 a back payment will be made through the Regional Services payment via PSD, to adjust the claims already made for services provided since April 2023.

Details of this payment will appear on the local remittance generated by CPDT.  Thereafter, the new fees will be applied directly to claims as they are made.

Thank you to all Contractors for their ongoing work in delivering these services and to Community Pharmacy GG&C for their supportive discussions on this issue.


 UPDATE - Electronic Claiming Workbook (ECW)

All pharmacies in all HSCPs are now using the ECW for all claims relating to locally negotiated pharmacy services (see ECW) for details.

Please see below for the updated version of the Electronic Claiming Workbook (ECW).  Version 2 contains updated fees, change to the COPD claim form and up-to-date Contractor details.  Please ensure that you are using the most up-to-date version before submitting your workbook.  Claims submitted on previous versions will be returned unpaid.

A 'User Guide' can also be found below for your use and information.  We hope this is helpful and as always, if you have any issues please do let us know.