Interpreting Services



From 1st April the contact details and access codes for our telephone interpreting services changed.  You will still be able to access the service via a mobile app as well as by telephone.  New details are as follows:

By telephone: 0330 088 2443

Using the app: Download the ILClient App free from the App Store


As previously, you will need a 6-digit department code to use both options and a one-off access code for the mobile app.  You will also need to access the list of language codes.

Please visit NHSGGC Interpreting Services to find all the information you need.


In keeping with the current protocol, telephone interpreting should now be used for all appointments under 46 minutes.  This applies to all short appointments unless the patient has additional vulnerabilities or is a child over 2 years old.  

Access to spoken language and British Sign Language face-to-face interpreters remains unchanged and is still accessed through NHSGGC Interpreting Services.

By law, we MUST provide professional interpreting support for our patients at all appointments.  For in-patient stays, interpreting support must be provided at least once a day.  This is paid for centrally not by individual departments or services.

Updated wall charts and supporting resources are also available from the website.  A digital copy of the “How to Access Interpreting Support” flowchart can be found here.  For further information or resources, please go to NHSGGC Interpreting Services or email


Direct Patient Access to Telephone Interpreting Service - New Languages Added

The patient leaflet on direct access to telephone interpreting is now available in 40 languages.

This important resource explains how to use our telephone interpreting service to contact any NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde service.  For example, patients can use the service to call from home and make an appointment with their GP, discuss medications with their Pharmacy, book a Maternity appointment or contact NHS 24.

The leaflet explains how to use the service by calling or by using a mobile app.   It provides codes specific to patients using NHSGGC services so can only be used for this purpose. 

All leaflets are available on the NHSGGC website.  Please make them available to any service users who need this support.

If you have any questions or require a language not yet produced, please contact us at



Responsible Person: Trish Cawley
Last Updated: 22/11/2023