Universal Claim Framework (UCF)

Universal Claim Framework (UCF) is a framework that enables electronic claiming for pharmacy led services.  As well as Minor Ailments, there are 8 services currently in scope for UCF:

  1. Unscheduled Care
  2. Gluten-Free Food
  3. Emergency Hormonal Contraception
  4. Smoking Cessation
  5. Meningitis Vaccine Prophylaxis
  6. Impetigo
  7. Urinary Tract Infection
  8. Vitamin D Supplement Service

Before proceeding, community pharmacies must ensure they are in receipt of a box of the new CP4/3 Forms required for the delivery of some of the UCF services.  Sites with any queries about UCF should contact CPDEVTEAM at: gg-uhb.cpdevteam@nhs.net

An overview of the UCL with a link to the matrix summarising which services a UCF should be used for can be found at: https://nhsnss.org/services/practitioner/pharmacy/pharmacy-services/universal-claim-framework/

Pharmacies may find it useful to print this matrix as a reference.