Enzalutamide - Community Dispensing


Enzalutamide is a Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) medicine prescribed by secondary care services to outpatients.

In NHS Fife community pharmacies are the preferred route of medical provision / dispensing of this medicine due to their integration within the local healthcare system - as well as their placement within the heart of our communities ensuring excellence in care and convenience for the people we share care for.

A relatively small number of prescriptions for enzalutamide are generated each month in Fife but before these can be dispensed from a community pharmacy contractors must ensure that they have read the SLA below and returned a 'sign up' form to fife.fifepharmacycommpharm@nhs.scot.



Service Level Agreement (SLA) - providing a tier 1 service in NHS Fife

Sign up form

Claim form - One claim form should be completed per patient. This is only required once; on initiation of treatment

Ordering information



Please contact fife.fifepharmacycommpharm@nhs.scot