Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST)


A Pharmacy Closures Good Practice Guide can be found here


OST Module on NEO 360

Previously only staff with GPhC registration have been able to access the OST module.  Due to the recent Missed Dose additions within the module, staff without GPhC registration can now be given access to the module for missed dose recording and entry purposes but not for claim submissions.  

The OST claim must be submitted by a member of staff with GPhC registration.  In order to be able to submit the OST claim an additional permission has to be added for the relevant individual(s).  Please see guide here for details on how to add the new permission required.

If you have any queries please contact a member of the ADRS Pharmacy team by emailing ADRS.Pharmacyteam@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

NEO 360 OST Missed Dose/Report Concern/Rx Issue Function

The current system for monitoring and reporting missed doses of Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST) relies on pharmacies reporting to ADRS/GP practices via telephone.

Pharmacies report there can be difficulty contacting ADRS teams due to engaged phone lines and the subsequent delay in reporting can delay outreach welfare checks and impact prescribing decisions to continue optimal OST doses and ensure patient safety.  Lack of a robust process and communication challenges are a critical risk when managing OST prescriptions and patient care.

In order to improve the communication and ensure an audit trail of communication, a new feature has been added to the OST module as of 15th November 2021.  This allows the reporting of 3 missed OST doses/patient concerns/prescription issues via NEO rather than phoning or emailing the ADRS prescribing team.  When this feature is utilised an email will be sent directly to the designated team attached to the patient.

IMPORTANT : This feature can only be utilised if the patient is prescribed by ADRS.  If the prescription is from a GP as part of the Shared Care Scheme then you should continue to report missed doses and concerns via phone as is current practice.


When contact with the ADRS team is required the blue folder icon should be clicked and 3 options will appear.  If you have not already edited the patient details to add the ADRS team, you will be prompted to do so before submitting a message.  The appropriate subject should be clicked and a free text box will appear allowing additional information to be added to the message.

Please use clinically appropriate language when using this facility.

Reporting 3 consecutive missed doses - Please enter date of last dispensed dose in the free text box and any other information you feel is relevant.

Missed doses should be reported via NEO by 10.30am and the team have been directed to respond via phone/email by 12.30pm on the same day to advise of the clinical management plan for the patient allowing time for a new prescription to be issued if necessary.

The “Report Concern” function consists of a free text box enabling pharmacy staff to report any less urgent concerns such as frequent but non-consecutive missed doses, changes in presentation, refused doses, concerns around welfare of children in the patients care etc.  It also ensures there is an audit trail of any contact that has been made.  NEO will maintain records of reported missed doses/concerns reported, within each patient’s record.  Please contact the team by phone via the dedicated professional line for any urgent patient issues.

Full guidance on use of the OST module is found below.

Please contact adrs.pharmacyteam@ggc.scot.nhs.uk if you have any questions



Collection of OST by a Patient Representative

If a patient is unable to collect medication (e.g. if self-isolating) then Pharmacists can be asked to provide OST to a patient representative or Health Care Professional on the patient’s behalf. The ADRS Team have produced brief guidance on 'Collection of OST by a Patient Representative' to support pharmacy staff to do this.  Also attached is guidance which was produced for ADRS staff for further information.

Collection of OST by Patient Representative

Collection of OST by ADRS Staff v1


Standards for Drug & Alcohol Services - **PLEASE NOTE - CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW (August 2022) 

**The current document is under review.  Please note Section 3.2 'Addiction Services Treatment Agreement' and 'Appendix B - Example Patient Agreement' are no longer applicable.  The current guidelines are as follows:

Pharmacists must sign the Health Board Shared Care Agreement on an annual basis which then applies to all OST patients during that year.  There is no requirement to obtain any other signatures or to transfer the agreement between services.  Patient consent is obtained by treatment services at the start of treatment and this allows the transfer of relevant information to and from Pharmacists and staff involved in the treatment and care of patients.


Service Level Agreement 2019/2024 v3 - March 2023

ADRS Prescriber Signature List - November 2020

NEO 360® Module User Guide v7 - October 2022

Module Troubleshooting and Housekeeping Guidance v1

NEO 360® Staff Login and Housekeeping Guidance v2

Missed Doses Guidance 2018

Safe Storage & Disposal of Medicine Containers by Patients Leaflet

Frequent Errors in Dispensing Process

Self-Audit and Visit Checklist

ADRS FAQ's v4  New

OST Guidelines for Medication Assisted Treatment v1.2 (June 2023)  New


(Further stock of the leaflet can be obtained by contacting the Addiction Services Team on 0141 303 8931)



Responsible Person: Amanda Laird
Last Updated: 07/02/2024